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Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003

For my Mr Hill

Haven't written for a couple of days cos have been quite mopey about not being able to go on my adventure. I was really really really really really (that's quite a lot of reallys which I think means I was very much looking forward to) excited about meeting my friend in Iceland who shall forever more be known as Benny. I don't talk about him at all in here usually cos he's quite a private guy and wants his identity to be protected which I totally respect, but as I chat about other people in here, and as it was going to be this weekend that I would have met him in real life I feel it right and appropriate that I dedicate this entry to benny :)

He's fantabulous, he makes me laugh out loud with some of the things he says - he's so damn smart. he also likens me to an icelandic goddess, freya, who is in charge of fertility and stamps her feet a lot and travels in a carriage drawn by cats. I think that's a pretty accurate description of me!

I hope we get to meet in real life one day, but until then we'll have to keep it unreal :D

*hug* have a great weekend

oh and for anyone from the uk that is reading is it this weekend that I have to do the sodding around with the clocks thing?

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

