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read this TOO v's virtual vacuum

Monday, Jun. 21, 2004


Hey you.

You went quiet on me. I don't know whether things are sorted between you and F. I'm not sure I handled it the right way.

I delibereately didnt want to take sides - regardless of what i actually think. I want you to know how important i think you are to me and the site - and just thought i should tell you that



no, things aren't resolved in my mind although I have let it drop until for the time being. I didn't alter my original post either, despite your request. It's all a bit to deep and heavy to go into to be honest, but until f can get to a stage where she can apologise when she has upset someone or acknowledge when she is incorrect on something, I don't think I can "bury the hatchet". It's still safely at my side although not being swung about.

Interestingly I tried over the weekend to involve myself in a thread where she was asking questions - but when I responded in an informative manner she (in my mind) reacted aggressively, AGAIN so I deleted my post and she STILL felt the need to comment upon it. she made it clear in the thread that you deleted that she finds me bossy and divisive, which I find very upsetting so I have purposefully kept a low profile over the past two weeks as I was getting a bit fed up of counselling others about their issues with f.

I'm on my course at the moment and today is tax day. I'm not having as much fun on the course as I would like as the tutor seems to hold me in about the same high regard that f does so every day is somewhat traumatic as every time I open my mouth to ask a question I am challenged and ridiculed. not great for a government funded learning opportunity and not great at encouraging the confidence I need to start my own business. on the back of an attack on my integrity its all a bit of a farce really.

and you are right - you didn't handle it the right way. if you are going to get involved in something, get involved. if you want to remain impartial, remain impartial. I wish you had left the thread that you deleted intact so that people could see f for what she really can be like. the post about me showed her true colours and should have been left as an example of how much of a chip on her shoulder she really has. in my opinion.

thanks for your pm though - despite it reducing me to tears (again) I do appreciate it.

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

