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Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2005

the a to z of v

Accent: Surrey
Bra size: 34J (yes, J)
Chore I hate: hoovering
Dad's name: Balint
Essential make-up: I dont wear makeup really but I recently bought a waterproof mascara
Favourite perfume: Bulgari Black
Gold or Silver: Silver
Hometown: where I live now is Colchester, Essex
Interesting fact: I have never seen a Bond film or a star wars film all the way through (I dont find it that interesting but others find it incredible)
Job title: Dole scrounging pikey scumbag
Kids: are evil
Living arrangements: Two bedroom apartment flat maisonette condominium type thing with my two cats and my sick mom
Mom's Birthplace: Croydon, Surrey
Number of apples eaten in last week: erm at least 7 maybe ten maybe more
Overnight hospital stays: in total? oh lordy erm, more that 30.
Phobia: no major ones a few minors freakouts every now and then
Question you ask yourself a lot: What the fuck?
Religious affiliation: none. but went to a catholic school and reading a book about taoism
Siblings: none
Time I wake up: 8 am
Unnatural hair color: huh? I've been lots of colours except blue
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Sprouts (as in brussels, not bean)
Worst habit: picking my nose and sometimes eating it
X-rays: teeth, skull, ribs, plevis, lungs, chest, legs, ankles, arms, elbows, eyesocket, neck, knees, wrists, back, yup - pretty much everything
Yummy food I make: carbonara
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

