*HUGS* TOTAL! give vanoonoo more *HUGS*
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read this TOO v's virtual vacuum

Saturday, May. 07, 2005


I know I've still got to tell you about the nekkid man - but its a really long and involved story - so I think I'll write it up on word first just incase :)

and I am gonna start dragging up some other memories of events gone by over time too - now that I've finally got this place what feels like safe for the time being!

in further news - my friend jo has been admitted to a clinic to deal with her eating disorder, her panic attacks and her phobias. poor kid is terrified and her husband is completely numb - I, however, am pleased that something is being done finally. she really needs close attention and some methods to deal with the issues which have affcted her for most of her adult life. shes a good kid and she doesnt deserve a crap life damaged by mental health issues, she deserves to be free of all the baggage that has been dragging her down. good luck jo - I am thinking of you and I love you.

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

