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Friday, Aug. 19, 2005

I am still in bed :D

less obsessed today and also have the opportunity to meet someone else who lives in ipswich so I am still keeping my options open. plus I got to have a quick chat with becky yeterday for the first time in WEEEEEEEEEEEEKS which was great.

project pluck last night was hilarious - more double entendres than anyone could ever hope for and So much laughte r- I love kev to bits - arent I lucky to have lovely friends?

and before anyone starts to worry that I have lost my mind and am becoming a secretive bitch (perish the thought) - ian knows about the bloke in ipswich (tom) and vice versa and neither seem worried as both know I am a keep my knickers on type of girl. at the moment no one has asked for any commitment and thats fine and dandy at this point - right? right. and speaking of dandy - andy is still lovely and being fab and a great friend, we got over the gimp/stalker incident just fine :)

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

