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Sunday, Aug. 28, 2005

road tripping

I'm off on an adventure today. all dates temporarily cancelled. actually probably permanently. I spent an hour or so yesterday with mr tall and then had a panic phone call from mum which made me realise I dont have time and emotional energy to give to anyone else at the moment. i like being single. boys are strange. Ian and I spoke a few times off and on yesterday by text, messenger and one to one on mfo and I think things are jsut about ok - he knows I'm hurt but he also knows I'll get over it. the jewel in all of this has once again been andy, hes such a great support to me but doesnt let me get away with bad behaviour. he knows my mind and how I work and the stupidity I trick myself with and he challenges me with it and makes me laugh about it. he had a date last night too with someone I pushed him to ask out - and i'm delighted that it went well and he wants to see her again - he claims he was a perfect gent last night and made sure she got her last train home and stuff. then we chuckled about times when he's not been quite the perfect gent. I've got a story to tell about another musician in my life but I'll save that for another time. for now I am gonna get ready to have some time in my car with the radio up loud and the windows open wide and my hair getting caught in the sunroof. yeah. thats what I am gonna do.

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

