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Thursday, Apr. 02, 2009

The drugs DO work!

I went for Tapas last night in Leicester with former work colleague jacqui that did my makeup for my wedding. It was a really lovely evening! And I got home in time to watch the apprentice too! Man I love that show.

kev is staying with us at the moment in between travel adventures.

Tonight we are going to be tasting the Walkers Crisps new flavours and deciding on which we like best and least. The choices are:

Builder's Breakfast
Fish and Chips
Chilli & Chocolate
Crispy Duck & Hoisin sauce
Onion Bhaji
Cajun Squirrel

I've already done the taste test with the girls at work so it'll be interesting to see which one the home boys like best compared to my work friends.

Apart from my back problems life is good.

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

