*HUGS* TOTAL! give vanoonoo more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
read this TOO v's virtual vacuum

Friday, Oct. 17, 2003

Its getting more and more like the film Brazil

as an aide memoire more than anything I feel the need to record the essence of my time at the job centre yesterday - signed on fine no probs - checked the jobs database, nothing of my level in the area - fine - nothing new there - asked for a form stating that as yet there has been no decision on my income based jobseekers allowance to give to the council tax benefit people. Oh. That's a different department. Get taken to the waiting area for that department, eventually get to see the very nice lady who checks where in the process my claim is, but her computer doesn't give her fully uptodate information so she rings the last port of call. The housing benefit people. But I haven't applied for housing benefit. Yes but your claim gets sent there anyway just incase. Just incase of what?! Well it's the process. But the form says that I have to tick the boxes and fill in the bits for which I am applying and I didn't fill in or tick housing benefit so why has it been sent there? Well it's the process. It has to be evaluated just incase. hmmm. I think maybe I should offer my services as a once upon a time system and process analyst to the department of work and pensions. For the record - they can't find my claim and I haven't had any jobseekers allowance since the end of august and the council tax benefit people are getting stroppy with me again but hey - the housing benefit people have all had a good look at my bank statements and credit card bills and managed to lose my claim in the "process". Fuckers

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

