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Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003

doing well on my list too

I managed to make the most half hearted attempt at green bean casserole last night - I didn't have the right sorta onions cos they don't sell them over here but it was still fairly tasty. But not as good as monicas. And I am now starting to drool at the the thought of broccoli casserole. I think I need to get out more.

I had a really odd dream last night - it was based around that training centre that I went to last month and I besically had to go back (in my dream) for a review session and the ex-union-official type bloke that conducted the course really got in a strop with me (in the dream) about the feedback that I'd given at the end of the course (in real life). We had a fight and I won. That was a strange dream, no wonder I got up early today.

Gorgeous sent me a text asking if I had my advent calendar underway. But I don't HAVE an advent calendar! Doh! I've got a calendar with pictures of cats on it. I think the photos were taken in the seventies to go on the front of chocolate boxes or something - and all the cats look absolutely terrified that they are stuck in a wicker basket with a ball of wool or are perched on a miniature pseudo bridge. I'd look terrified too in those circumstances I reckon.

My very smart friend spacey has made me some banners - so squeeze in a bit peeps - there may be a few more visitors here soon! Yikes!

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

