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Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005


happy sunday - I'm in bed alone with a bunged up rattly nose and I have been sneezing and my eyes are sore. yeah - I reckon I have a cold coming. meh. liam was only here over night friday til saturday but we went to see the harry potter adventure at the movies and also did that trailer and lobby check thing AND we went to nandos. friday was a busy old night - we got home and caught the end of children in need and went to bed and didnt surface til about half one :D I wont see him now til december 1st or second but we get a long weekend together then so its not all bad. people are teasing me about LURVE. two close friends have actually both said it within 24 hours of each other and neither of them knows the other so they havent been chinwagging. I do feel something for liam but I really dont know what the hell it is. I regularly have to stop myself from turning into a harpee style banshee and screaming at him with made up neuroses. I have to guard myself about pouring out all the things from my past that have wrecked previous relationships. I am generally over most of the crap put upon me in my formative years although having mum backing in close contact is painful to a degree - its certainly challenging but i refuse to become a victim about stuff. what I dont want to do is tell him loads of stuff in an attempt to scare him off and end up having him pity me. why the fuck would I want to scare him off anyway. fuck knows. I am a retard with relationships. thats why I havent had one for so long! cant do it. but I am enjoying my time with liam. so, yeah, maybe it is lurve. I dunno. whatever it is though. its fun and nice and he likes me and I like him and I will miss him until we meet up again. awww :)

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

