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Monday, Apr. 14, 2008

watching hail

I've had a good day so far, had a lovely bath (run for me by liam) then drove to my interview - its about 40 mins in the car (only 24 miles though) and the interview went well I think so I am hoping they call me back for second interview.

then I came home and went for a swim (complete with sunglasses perched on the top of my head cos I forgot they were there and I am a retard) and came home and made a sausage casserole in the slocooker and got the dishwasher filled up and going and now I am snuggled on the sofa with a blanket and the cats, tv blaring and laptop where it should be. I am at the docs this evening 5.15pm to discuss the change in my medication - they are taking me off the prozac and putting me onto something called effexor which deals with more of the chemicals in the brain than the prozac does.

I am considering getting the GP to write me off for a few weeks whilst this change goes ahead cos I really cant face work knowing that they are talking about me and thinking my work is below par - buggers that they are. I know it will look a bit dodgy on a reference but I have got to the stage where I dont know what else to do - FUCKERS!

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

