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Friday, Jan. 06, 2006

more sad news from the world of pets

well shit in my bowl and call it icecream. now monica is going thru the pet death thing too. for christmas she got her kids guinea pigs - they are an animal mad family with dogs and birds and bunnies and guinea pigs and hamsters and gerbils and fishies and space monkeys and previously ducks and I cant remember what else but probably other stuff too anyway. for christmas they picked out a guinea pig for each of her two kids and kept them at the place where monica works seeing as how she was owrking the 16 days solid thru from before christmas to new year. then. one of the gpigs died right on christmas eve. they figured it was cos it was two males together and one had scared the other one. I wasnt convinced as I know evil slut slag whore neighbour from hell keeps two boy gpigs together and its fine but anyhow - the one pig died and they covered it up by telling daughter that there were supply issues with her bunny (no more gpigs and prob not a good plan they decided) via santa (even though she knows there is no santa) and she'd get her bunny as soon as those issues were resolved. so the son got his pig and called it jack and the goofy thing has been loved and integrated into the family madhouse since christmas day. then yesterday the gpig got sick and when taken to the vet was put in an incubator and on a drip and they ran tests and he's been deprived on vitamin c which they cant produce themselves - the vet indicates that this is an early life problem with either the breeder or the store as monica had been giving them the correct food and dosage they needed provided all other things were equal. but it looks like there is an issue at the pet store and the area director or whatever they are calle d in t he states has been involved. cos yeah, jack died last night. with over $100 in vets fee to his little gpig name. what a bummer. ok - anyone else with pets - I dunno if I can handle any other grief style news - so I am gonna hide under my boyfriends armpit this weekend and not deal with it. as it happens my cats stealth and bomber both seem fine. fruitcakes that they are.

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

