*HUGS* TOTAL! give vanoonoo more *HUGS*
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read this TOO v's virtual vacuum

Friday, Jul. 20, 2007

shoot me now

Me and Liam went to the pub we're having the receoptionin last night to jsut finalise with the landlord that he's ok with us not having anything spectacular done on the night. He seems totally fine and laid back with it all and doesnt want to pin us down to having a bloody buffet or anything - so i am completely and utterly delighted aobut that - and smash and mini you will be pleased to know that it will be crisps, chips and takeaway menus all round :)

The next thing I have to work out is how to deal with the drinks thing. Obviously the place will be open to other people, and as much as I enjoy village life - our village seems to have a load of bloody chavs. so I dont want an open bar. Shall we jsut give out drinks tokens as people come in or shall we jsut go up to the bar with them when they come in and buy them a drink on a tab or something. What would you guys like if you went to a pub to celebrate someones wedding with them? I suppose we could order a few bottles of wine and just pour people a glass as they come in.

Oh christ I have turned into one of those people that plans their wedding in their blog ARGH

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

