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Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2007

take that and the trifluoperazine adventure

went to the psych nurse and he told me a lot of stuff I already know but i guess its good to hear it again. Hi name is gary something and I keep caling him gary barlow in my head - the bloke from take that. he is of course, nothing like gary barlow but it amuses me to call him that.

I'm on another medication. its an anti psychotic drug when used in higher doses but on my 1mg a night it will hopefully help my "anxiety".

I also have to keep a diary of my moods and what I do on a daily basis, hour by hour.

perhaps I'll jsut give him the url to here.

in other news I went swimming today - had to give myself a stern talking to in order to do that but I did it.

and I got some coal

and I went to tesco and aldi a whsmiths and to cafe nero

and I am doing curry for dinner

and liam has gone to the gym

thats it

in tomorrows exciting installment we willhave the verdict on the first night of the new drugs.

whoo hooo

and my toes

a brief run down.

do not covet wordly goods

